3 Tips to Relieve PMS Symptoms

Ever felt like one day you’re on FIRE with the emails and the next you’re too tired to even think? One day you feel strong and powerful in the gym and the next you can barely make it through the warm up?


It’s not you, it’s the lack of awareness we’ve had around our cycles for years!

The best workout on your period is the one that will energize you!

Our hormones change daily and unlike men, there isn’t much research to support us while we “figure it out”. Many of the trends out there in diet and exercise were tested solely on men and just deemed the overall best fit for women as well. 

If you are interested in dipping your toe in some hormonal harmony, here are a few things that will bring ease to the start your journey!

  1. The symptoms of one phase always affect the symptoms of the next! Healing hormonal imbalance is all about making adjustments daily.  Understanding what we feel or do when we are ovulating matters as much as when we are bleeding. Our hormones rise and fall throughout the month. Keep track of symptoms like mood, digestion and energy each day to compare them week to week and  month to month. This is our best shot at determining what needs to change or stay consistent!

My favorite app for symptom logging is Flo!

2. With these hormonal shifts come typical struggles that we can battle with preparation. During the second half of our cycle we tend to have higher stress, higher body temp, lower hydration and lower sleep quality. It’s ok to move your workout in order to get more appropriate recovery. This prevents injury, burnout and illness. When it comes to bloating, It’s a great idea to hydrate with electrolytes to offset that water retention that comes with the natural increase in progesterone.

Check out LMNT 

3. Blood sugar levels will either compliment or wreck hormonal responses! The most simple way to honor our shifts is to eat regularly! The best foods to tap into are those that include fiber for slower digestion and greater nutrient absorption. Eating foods that won’t spike your blood sugar prevents cravings, binges, crashes and mood swings. This matters SO MUCH when it comes to achieving optimal hormonal responses.

Below is a list of low glycemic foods you can incorporate into your day!

low glycemic foods for PMS relief and hormonal balance

Sometimes we want a coffee or a pill or a surgery to help us feel better, but we should def try to understand our habits and make adjustments first. This is a game changer no matter what our goal is! If you’re looking to train in harmony with your cycle, check out Hustle and Flo! For 1-on-1 coaching, click here for a consultation!!


4 Supplements To Ease Period Cramps